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Python agent release notesRSS

December 14, 2015
Python agent v2.60.0.46


This release of the Python agent enables the ability to add Custom Insights Events through a new record_custom_event() API.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

New Feature

  • Custom Events

Prior to this release, the Python agent had the capability to record two types of Insights events automatically: Transaction and TransactionError events. In addition, custom attributes could be added to those events. Now, with the addition of the record_custom_event() API, it is possible to define your own custom event types, enabling greater flexibility about what types of events you can view and query in Insights.

For details, see the Insights documentation on Inserting Custom Events.

Changed Feature

  • Attributes renamed

Two attributes have been renamed, in order to be consistent with the naming convention of other New Relic agents. The affected attributes are:

  • response.headers.contentLength (was response.contentLength)
  • response.headers.contentType (was response.contentType)

November 25, 2015
Python agent v2.58.2.45


This release of the Python agent is a hotfix release to address a problem where the agent could fail to validate the SSL certificate of the New Relic collector in some environments.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

Bug Fix

If the Python agent was used in an environment where the certifi package was installed, the Python agent would use the certifi CA certificates bundle to validate the certificate of the New Relic collector. However, the latest release of certifi (November 20, 2015) removed some older CA certificates with 1024-bit keys.

The SSL certificate for the New Relic collector is cross-signed with both a 1024-bit certificate and a 2048-bit certificate, but in some circumstances, the stronger root certificate was not used for validation. When the 1024-bit certificate was no longer included in the certifi bundle, SSL validation would fail. Affected customers would see warnings in their agent log stating "Data collector is not contactable" due to an SSLError.

To address this issue, the agent no longer uses the certifi CA certificates bundle, nor the certificates bundled with requests. Instead, it only uses the CA bundle included with the agent to validate the New Relic collector certificate.

November 17, 2015
Python agent v2.58.1.44


This release of the Python agent is a hotfix release to address a problem where the package failed to install under certain circumstances.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

Bug Fix

The README.rst file contained non-ASCII characters, which could result in a UnicodeDecodeError during installation. Those characters have been removed.

November 16, 2015
Python agent v2.58.0.43


This release of the Python agent reports error events to Insights and captures enhanced error data to support the new Advanced Error Analytics feature in APM.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

New Feature

  • Error Events

The Python agent now sends TransactionError events for Advanced Error Analytics, which power the new APM Errors functionality (currently in Beta). This allows users to create charts that facet and filter their error data by attributes, as well as explore their error events in Insights. For details, see the APM Errors documentation.

Changed Feature

  • Additional Attributes collected

The agent now collects additional attributes for web transactions:

  • HTTP request headers: Host and Accept
  • HTTP response header :Content-Length

Bug Fix

  • Improved unicode support for exception messages

Unicode exception messages will still be preserved, even if sys.setdefaultencoding() has been called to change the default encoding.

September 30, 2015
Python agent v2.56.0.42


This release of the Python agent adds much more flexibility around what attributes are sent to New Relic, and where they are displayed.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

New Feature

  • Flexible capturing of attributes

Attributes are key-value pairs that contain additional information to be added to an event or transaction. These key-value pairs can be viewed within transaction traces in New Relic APM, traced errors in New Relic APM, transaction events in Insights, and page views in Insights.

A number of new configuration settings have been introduced to allow you to customize exactly which attributes will be sent to each of these destinations.

For details, see Python agent attributes.

Deprecated Settings

Several configuration settings have been deprecated. The most commonly used of the deprecated settings are capture_params and ignored_params. It is still possible to achieve the same functionality as the old settings by using the new attributes.include and attributes.exclude settings. For examples, see Python agent attribute examples.

A complete list of deprecated settings can be found in deprecated configuration settings.

While the usage of deprecated settings is still supported, we recommend upgrading your configuration to use the new settings as soon as possible.

Changed Feature

Previously, it was possible to save a list, dict, or tuple as an attribute value that could be displayed in transaction and error traces. However, these same attributes could not be displayed in Insights events. Now, all attributes are handled in a consistent manner, which means that all attribute values must be one of the following types:

Python 2: str, unicode, int, long, float, bool
Python 3: str, bytes, int, float, bool

All values which are not one of these types are automatically converted by calling str(value).

July 29, 2015
Python agent v2.54.0.41


This release of the Python agent adds the ability to strip exception messages from error traces, in order to prevent the inadvertent capture of sensitive information.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

New Features

  • Allowing Exception Messages

Because an exception message can contain sensitive information, the agent now provides the ability to strip exception messages before sending error traces to APM. Exception messages will be stripped automatically in high-security mode.

For exception messages you know to be safe, you can add them to an allow list so that those messages are passed unaltered to APM. Two new configuration settings control this feature: strip_exception_messages.enabled and strip_exception_messages.whitelist.

Bug Fixes

  • capture_request_params API disabled for high-security mode

When operating in high-security mode, the agent should not capture query string parameters. However, prior to this release, it was possible to call newrelic.agent.capture_request_params(flag=True), even if the agent was in high-security mode, and the agent would capture and report query string parameters. Now, the capture_request_params API call does not override the capture_params setting when the agent is in high-security mode, so query parameters are not captured.

June 11, 2015
Python agent v2.52.0.40


This release of the Python agent adds the ability to customize the hostname displayed in the APM UI, as well as updating the solrpy and pysolr instrumentation so that Solr metrics will now appear in the Databases tab in the UI.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

New Features

  • Customize hostname displayed in APM

A new configuration setting has been added: process_host.display_name. When set in the newrelic.ini configuration file, the display name will be used in the APM UI, in place of the hostname that the agent automatically captures. In addition, the display name can be set using the NEW_RELIC_PROCESS_HOST_DISPLAY_NAME environment variable.

Features Changed

  • Update solrpy and pysolr instrumention

Previously, solrpy and pysolr instrumentation reported metrics in the Solr namespace. Now, to align them with our recent changes to SQL and NoSQL instrumentation, solrpy and pysolr have been updated to report metrics in the Datastore namespace, which means that time spent in calls to Solr will be listed in both the main overview chart, as well as in the Databases tab in the UI.

April 6, 2015
Python agent v2.50.0.39


This release of the Python agent adds support for Django 1.8.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

New Features

  • Support for Django 1.8.

Features Changed

  • The list of modules loaded by the application will no longer include version numbers. In certain cases, attempting to determine the version numbers of packages can potentially generate excessive CPU overhead, so it has been preemptively disabled to prevent any such occurrence.

Bugs Fixed

  • When using the psycopg2 Postgres database adapter, if the pscyopg2.extras.register_json() function was used, then instrumentation for the psycopg2 module would fail. Now, register_json() is instrumented correctly.
  • If a Django class based view was registered as the view handler in urls.py, the transaction was named after the class name, and not the method of the class based view which handled the request. Now, the transaction is named after the method.

March 25, 2015
Python agent v2.48.0.38


This release of the Python agent adds instrumentation for Elasticsearch as a new datastore product and a more granular breakdown of various SQL operations in the “Databases” tab in the APM UI. In addition, the stack traces captured by the agent are now being trimmed to remove any code snippets.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

New Features

  • Improved SQL Breakdown

    This agent release adds the ability to see the breakdown of time spent in SQL statements such as CREATE, DROP, ALTER, SET, CALL, EXEC, EXECUTE, COMMIT and ROLLBACK. Execution of stored procedures through the callproc() or CALL statements will provide further breakdown based on the name of the stored procedure.

  • Elasticsearch Support

    Instrumentation support for the official Elasticsearch client module and the separate pyelasticsearch module have been added. Time spent in calls made to Elasticsearch will be listed in both the main overview chart, as well as in the Databases tab in the UI. Previously, calls to Elasticsearch would have been shown as time spent in external web service calls.

Features Changed

  • Remove code snippets in stack traces

    Stack traces captured for errors and slow SQL queries will no longer include code snippets. This change is to prevent the possibility of capturing sensitive data embedded within the code. It reduces the overhead in capturing stack trace information, and also avoids a potential problem caused when the code on disk has changed in the time since the process was started.

Bugs Fixed

  • Ensure that messages sent to the data collector containing parts which were already compressed and encoded, were not being compressed a second time at the HTTP request level causing additional overhead.
  • Guard against a potential agent error where an invalid URL was being passed to an instrumented external web service client.
  • Motor (an asynchronous MongoDB library) incorrectly returns a non string object when the agent tries to access the __name__ attribute on Motor objects. This caused the agent to fail when calculating the name for an object, since we rely on this value being a string as specified by the Python object model definition. The agent now overrides the incorrect behavior of Motor to ensure that we can still generate names of objects correctly.
  • When using Python 3 and audit logging was enabled, if messages being sent to our data collector were large enough that they were being compressed at the HTTP request level, the audit logging code would fail due to a bytes/Unicode mismatch.
  • Instrumentation for the decr() method of umemcache client for Memcached was incorrectly calling the stats() method.

March 4, 2015
Python agent v2.46.0.37


This release of the Python agent is a minor bug fix release, including changes which may help to reduce the incidence of spurious warnings about being able to communicate with our service.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see Status of the Python agent.

Bugs Fixed

  • Improved management of the network connection to our service

    • When the agent registered itself with our data collector, it wasn't closing the socket connection immediately and instead it was holding it open for up to a minute when the first batch of data would be reported. If the socket connection was being closed remotely during that time, a BadStatusLine exception would be seen in the logs when the attempt was made to upload data.
    • When the agent received an internal restart request from our data collector as the result of a server side configuration change, the socket connection wasn't being closed explicitly. In the case of CPython it would still be cleaned up and closed immediately due to reference counting, but under PyPy when it was closed was dependent on when PyPy garbage collection occurred. This could mean that the socket descriptor could stay in use for a while.
  • Compatibility modules for transitioning from Python 2 to Python 3

    When compatibility modules for Python 2/3 migration such as pies2overrides and future were installed in a Python 2 installation, they were installing modules which mimic modules which would normally only ever exist in a Python 3 installation. The presence of these modules were confusing the agent's instrumentation mechanisms. The result of this was that use of http.client from Python 3 in a Python 2 application would fail.

  • Failures when making calls to external web services

    • If a HTTP client module was supplied None as the value for the URL being requested, this would cause an exception when the agent was recording the data for that transaction.
    • Use of the ExternalTrace context manager class directly, for recording external web services calls, would fail if there was no active transaction. This could occur in the time before the agent has successfully been able to register with our data collector.
  • Setting of response content length when using Django

    The Django middleware installed by the agent to perform insertion of RUM monitoring code into responses, would always set the Content-Length even if it was not previously set. This could cause issues where a frontend had been set up with an expectation that Content-Length headers would never exist.

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