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NerdGraph tutorial: handle concurrency limits

New Relic's NerdGraph API enforces a limit of 25 concurrent requests per user. The following code examples can be used as starting points for avoiding these limits or receiving HTTP 429 status codes. Both examples below follow the same use case where you run a query against many New Relic accounts in parallel, but still fall under the NerdGraph concurrency limit.


One way to handle concurrency is to use a worker pool. The below example uses the async module to do so. It creates a queue that has a set concurrency execution limit, pushes requests as tasks onto that queue, and empties the queue once completeing all tasks.

import got from "got";
import async from "async";
const API_KEY = "YOUR_GRAPHQL_USER_KEY"; // GraphQL User Key
const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 25; // Maximum amount of requests in queue at a given time
const GRAPH_API = "https://api.newrelic.com/graphql";
const HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Api-Key": API_KEY };
async function main() {
let accounts = await getAccounts(); // All accounts to run a query against
var allResults = [];
//Queue initialization
const q = async.queue(async (task, cb) => {
let result = await makeRequest(task.acct);
transactionCount: result[0].count,
account: task.acct.id,
// Push requests on to the queue (one for each account)
accounts.forEach((acct) => {
q.push({ acct: acct });
await q.drain(); // Drain event listener when all tasks are complete
async function makeRequest(acct) {
let nrql = `SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction`;
let gql = `{
actor {
account(id: ${acct.id}) {
nrql(query: "${nrql}", timeout: 90) {
let opts = {
headers: HEADERS,
json: { query: gql, variables: {} },
let response = await got.post(opts).json();
if (!response.errors) {
return response.data.actor.account.nrql.results;
} else {
console.log("Query Error");
async function getAccounts() {
var q = `{
actor {
accounts {
var opts = {
headers: HEADERS,
json: { query: q, variables: {} },
let resp = await got.post(opts).json();
return resp.data.actor.accounts;


You can also use Python by leveraging the following packages to handle asynchronous requests and concurrency:

  • aiohttp - Used to make async http requests
  • asyncio - Used to handle concurrency

Below sets a Semaphore that manages the amount of concurrent simultaneous requests. It then uses asyncio.gather() to execute multiple co-routines concurrently and waits for their completion.

import aiohttp
import asyncio
GRAPHQL_API = "https://api.newrelic.com/graphql"
HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Api-Key": API_KEY}
async def main():
# All accounts to run a query against
accounts = await get_accounts()
# Semaphore for controlling concurrency
limit = asyncio.Semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENCY)
# Add all accounts to run a query against
tasks = [send_request(acct, limit) for acct in accounts]
# Schedule all tasks to run concurrently
allResults = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def send_request(acct, limit):
nrql = "SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction"
gql = f"""
actor {{
account(id: {acct['id']}) {{
nrql(query: "{nrql}", timeout: 90) {{
async with limit:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(
GRAPHQL_API, json={"query": gql, "variables": {}}, headers=HEADERS
) as response:
result = await response.json()
return {
"transactionCount": result["data"]["actor"]["account"]["nrql"]["results"][0]["count"],"account": acct["id"],
except Exception as error:
print("Query Error")
raise error
async def get_accounts():
gql = """
actor {
accounts {
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(
GRAPHQL_API, json={"query": gql, "variables": {}}, headers=HEADERS
) as response:
result = await response.json()
return result["data"]["actor"]["accounts"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
asyncio.run(main()) # Run event loop

For more detail on NerdGraph limits, see NerdGraph usage limits.

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